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Wagon Trail Brewing Co. labels by Fanakalo

This is the first of what will hopefully become a series of articles featuring the label designs of various South African craft brew...

13 March 2018

Wagon Trail Brewing Co. labels by Fanakalo

This is the first of what will hopefully become a series of articles featuring the label designs of various South African craft breweries.

I couldn't have put it together without the input from Jan Solms and Rohan Etsebeth at Fanakalo, the permission to use several photographs from the Wagon Trail Brewing Co. website from Lance Bouma, and lastly, my brother who dug through boxes of my bottle collection in order to send me photos that I didn't use.

If you're interested in a free PDF copy of the piece then please drop me a line.

A couple of extra shout-outs:
The brush font used for the front cover and main heading is Edo SZ by Vic Fieger. It's 100% free to use and can be downloaded here.
The small globe icon seen on the back cover used to represent website URLs was designed by inipagi. It's also free and can be found here.

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