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Wagon Trail Brewing Co. labels by Fanakalo

This is the first of what will hopefully become a series of articles featuring the label designs of various South African craft brew...

26 February 2018

Craft Beer Label Design topic on Scoop.it!

This isn't the first blog focusing on design and packaging of the global craft beer scene. Oh Beautiful Beer! has been sharing eye-catching beer packaging from around the world since 2011. I recently stumbled upon another blog, Beers Illustrated, creating for the Australian craft beer scene what I would like to do in South African one.

Instead of writing a post summarising every article that has been published on the label artwork of local breweries, I decided to create a Scoop.it! topic. The topic isn't limited to South African beer labels either, as I have included several articles and interviews that I come across featuring prominent designers and brewers from the US. I will continue to curate and add to the Craft Beer Label Design topic as I continue my research and find more content.

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